
Self-posting is a free "Do it Yourslf" service to add items to the marketplace. It's esay and convenient.

To start, click here Self-Posting or click "Sell" at the top of the page.  You need a UBE account to Self-Post.  Accounts are free. Sign Up or Log In

Self Post Tabs

1. Overview

Input basic information about the item you’re selling. This includes “New or Used”, listing category, Goods and Service Type (used to determine tax exempt status of the item), the item name and equipment serial number(s).

2. Specifications

Input item dimensions, capacity, etc.

3. Description

Input any additional information. Some suggestions for additional information include what is/is not included in the sale, the item’s capabilities and capacity, specifications and type, equipment history, age, number of prior owners, equipment sizes, upgrades, refurbishment, accessories, manuals, maintenance records, any differentiators, and why you are selling it.

4. Photos

Input photos of the equipment. UBE requires a minimum of five (5) images, however 10 or more is better. Photos are extremely important. Clear images with good lighting are more likely to sell equipment. Consider cleaning the equipment before taking pictures. We ask that you include all sides, important key components, name plates and labels, fittings, inside and outside images if applicable, and close ups. Please use photographs of the equipment you are selling, not stock images. Be sure to photograph any scratches or issue with the item you are selling. Anything beyond normal wear and tear should be photographed.

5. Pricing

Input your asking price. Choose whether you would like to accept “Offers” from buyers, or exclusively the “Buy Now” option. The “Make an Offer” feature also allows you to set minimum prices, offer terms, and shipping details.

6. Shipping

Input equipment location and information that defines who is responsible for handling and shipping. Choose where the equipment ownership is transferred, how difficult the equipment removal to the shipper and the equipment removal status. This Shipping section also defines shipping cost.